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Tumasyan A, Adam W, Bergauer T, Dragicevic M, Del Valle AE, Frühwirth R, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Lechner L, Liko D, Mikulec I, Pitters FM, Rad N, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Spanring M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Zarucki M, Darwish MR, De Wolf EA, Di Croce D, Janssen T, Kello T, Lelek A, Pieters M, Sfar HR, Van Haevermaet H, Van Mechelen P, Van Putte S, Van Remortel N, Blekman F, Bols ES, Chhibra SS, D'Hondt J, De Clercq J, Lontkovskyi D, Lowette S, Marchesini I, Moortgat S, Morton A, Müller D, Python Q, Tavernier S, Van Doninck W, Van Mulders P, Beghin D, Bilin B, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Dorney B, Favart L, Grebenyuk A, Kalsi AK, Makarenko I, Moureaux L, Pétré L, Popov A, Postiau N, Starling E, Thomas L, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, Vannerom D, Wezenbeek L, Cornelis T, Dobur D, Gruchala M, Khvastunov I, Niedziela M, Roskas C, Skovpen K, Tytgat M, Verbeke W, Vermassen B, Vit M, Bruno G, Bury F, Caputo C, David P, Delaere C, Delcourt M, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Lemaitre V, Mondal K, Prisciandaro J, Taliercio A, Teklishyn M, Vischia P, Wertz S, Wuyckens S, Alves GA, Hensel C, Moraes A, Júnior WLA, Das Chagas EBB, Malbouisson HB, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Coelho E, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, Damiao DDJ, De Souza SF, Martins J, Figueiredo DM, Jaime MM, Herrera CM, Mundim L, Nogima H, Teles PR, Rosas LJS, Santoro A, Amaral SMSD, Sznajder A, Thiel M, De Araujo FTDS, Pereira AV, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Lemos DS, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Atanassov I, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Rodozov M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Ivanov T, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Cheng T, Fang W, Guo Q, Wang H, Yuan L, Ahmad M, Bauer G, Hu Z, Wang Y, Yi K, Chapon E, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Javaid T, Kapoor A, Leggat D, Liao H, Liu ZA, Sharma R, Spiezia A, Tao J, Thomas-Wilsker J, Wang J, Zhang H, Zhang S, Zhao J, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Chen C, Huang Q, Levin A, Li Q, Lu M, Lyu X, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Wang D, Wang Q, Xiao J, You Z, Gao X, Xiao M, Avila C, Cabrera A, Florez C, Fraga J, Sarkar A, Delgado MAS, Jaramillo J, Guisao JM, Ramirez F, Alvarez JDR, González CAS, Arbelaez NV, Giljanovic D, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Puljak I, Antunovic Z, Kovac M, Sculac T, Brigljevic V, Ferencek D, Majumder D, Roguljic M, Starodumov A, Susa T, Ather MW, Attikis A, Erodotou E, Ioannou A, Kole G, Kolosova M, Konstantinou S, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Saka H, Tsiakkouri D, Finger M, Finger M, Kveton A, Tomsa J, Ayala E, Jarrin EC, Abdalla H, Abdelalim AA, Assran Y, Lotfy A, Mahmoud MA, Bhowmik S, De Oliveira ACA, Dewanjee RK, Ehataht K, Kadastik M, Raidal M, Veelken C, Eerola P, Forthomme L, Kirschenmann H, Osterberg K, Voutilainen M, Brücken E, Garcia F, Havukainen J, Karimäki V, Kim MS, Kinnunen R, Lampén T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Lindén T, Siikonen H, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Luukka P, Tuuva T, Amendola C, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Faure JL, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Givernaud A, Gras P, de Monchenault GH, Jarry P, Lenzi B, Locci E, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Sahin MÖ, Savoy-Navarro A, Titov M, Yu GB, Ahuja S, Beaudette F, Bonanomi M, Perraguin AB, Busson P, Charlot C, Davignon O, Diab B, Falmagne G, de Cassagnac RG, Hakimi A, Kucher I, Lobanov A, Perez CM, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Paganini P, Rembser J, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Zabi A, Zghiche A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Bloch D, Bourgatte G, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Fontaine JC, Gelé D, Goerlach U, Grimault C, Le Bihan AC, Van Hove P, Asilar E, Beauceron S, Bernet C, Boudoul G, Camen C, Carle A, Chanon N, Contardo D, Depasse P, Mamouni HE, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Ille B, Jain S, Laktineh IB, Lattaud H, Lesauvage A, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Shchablo K, Torterotot L, Touquet G, Vander Donckt M, Viret S, Bagaturia I, Tsamalaidze Z, Feld L, Klein K, Lipinski M, Meuser D, Pauls A, Rauch MP, Schulz J, Teroerde M, Eliseev D, Erdmann M, Fackeldey P, Fischer B, Ghosh S, Hebbeker T, Hoepfner K, Keller H, Mastrolorenzo L, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Mocellin G, Mondal S, Mukherjee S, Noll D, Novak A, Pook T, Pozdnyakov A, Rath Y, Reithler H, Roemer J, Schmidt A, Schuler SC, Sharma A, Wiedenbeck S, Zaleski S, Dziwok C, Flügge G, Ahmad WH, Hlushchenko O, Kress T, Nowack A, Pistone C, Pooth O, Roy D, Sert H, Stahl A, Ziemons T, Petersen HA, Martin MA, Asmuss P, Babounikau I, Baxter S, Behnke O, Martínez AB, Anuar AAB, Borras K, Botta V, Brunner D, Campbell A, Cardini A, Connor P, Rodríguez SC, Danilov V, De Wit A, Defranchis MM, Didukh L, Damiani DD, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Banos LIE, Gallo E, Geiser A, Giraldi A, Grohsjean A, Guthoff M, Harb A, Jafari A, Jomhari NZ, Kasem A, Kasemann M, Kaveh H, Kleinwort C, Knolle J, Krücker D, Lange W, Lenz T, Lidrych J, Lipka K, Lohmann W, Madlener T, Mankel R, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Metwally J, Meyer AB, Meyer M, Missiroli M, Mnich J, Mussgiller A, Myronenko V, Otarid Y, Adán DP, Pflitsch SK, Pitzl D, Raspereza A, Saggio A, Saibel A, Savitskyi M, Scheurer V, Schwanenberger C, Singh A, Ricardo RES, Tonon N, Turkot O, Vagnerini A, Van De Klundert M, Walsh R, Walter D, Wen Y, Wichmann K, Wissing C, Wuchterl S, Zenaiev O, Zlebcik R, Aggleton R, Bein S, Benato L, Benecke A, De Leo K, Dreyer T, Ebrahimi A, Eich M, Feindt F, Fröhlich A, Garbers C, Garutti E, Gunnellini P, Haller J, Hinzmann A, Karavdina A, Kasieczka G, Klanner R, Kogler R, Kutzner V, Lange J, Lange T, Malara A, Niemeyer CEN, Nigamova A, Rodriguez KJP, Rieger O, Schleper P, Schumann S, Schwandt J, Schwarz D, Sonneveld J, Stadie H, Steinbrück G, Vormwald B, Zoi I, Bechtel J, Berger T, Butz E, Caspart R, Chwalek T, De Boer W, Dierlamm A, Droll A, Morabit KE, Faltermann N, Flöh K, Giffels M, Gottmann A, Hartmann F, Heidecker C, Husemann U, Katkov I, Keicher P, Koppenhöfer R, Maier S, Metzler M, Mitra S, Müller T, Musich M, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Rauser J, Savoiu D, Schäfer D, Schnepf M, Schröder M, Seith D, Shvetsov I, Simonis HJ, Ulrich R, Wassmer M, Weber M, Wolf R, Wozniewski S, Anagnostou G, Asenov P, Daskalakis G, Geralis T, Kyriakis A, Paspalaki G, Stakia A, Diamantopoulou M, Karasavvas D, Karathanasis G, Kontaxakis P, Koraka CK, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Panagiotou A, Papavergou I, Saoulidou N, Theofilatos K, Tziaferi E, Vellidis K, Vourliotis E, Bakas G, Kousouris K, Papakrivopoulos I, Tsipolitis G, Zacharopoulou A, Evangelou I, Foudas C, Gianneios P, Katsoulis P, Kokkas P, Manitara K, Manthos N, Papadopoulos I, Strologas J, Bartók M, Csanád M, Gadallah MMA, Lökös S, Major P, Mandal K, Mehta A, Pásztor G, Surányi O, Veres GI, Bencze G, Hajdu C, Horvath D, Sikler F, Veszpremi V, Vesztergombi G, Czellar S, Karancsi J, Molnar J, Szillasi Z, Teyssier D, Raics P, Trocsanyi ZL, Ujvari B, Csorgo T, Nemes F, Novak T, Choudhury S, Komaragiri JR, Kumar D, Panwar L, Tiwari PC, Bansal S, Beri SB, Bhatnagar V, Chaudhary G, Chauhan S, Dhingra N, Gupta R, Kaur A, Kaur S, Kumari P, Meena M, Sandeep K, Sharma S, Singh JB, Virdi AK, Ahmed A, Bhardwaj A, Choudhary BC, Garg RB, Gola M, Keshri S, Kumar A, Naimuddin M, Priyanka P, Ranjan K, Shah A, Bharti M, Bhattacharya R, Bhattacharya S, Bhowmik D, Dutta S, Ghosh S, Gomber B, Maity M, Nandan S, Palit P, Rout PK, Saha G, Sahu B, Sarkar S, Sharan M, Singh B, Thakur S, Behera PK, Behera SC, Kalbhor P, Muhammad A, Pradhan R, Pujahari PR, Sharma A, Sikdar AK, Dutta D, Kumar V, Naskar K, Netrakanti PK, Pant LM, Shukla P, Aziz T, Bhat MA, Dugad S, Verma RK, Mohanty GB, Sarkar U, Banerjee S, Bhattacharya S, Chatterjee S, Chudasama R, Guchait M, Karmakar S, Kumar S, Majumder G, Mazumdar K, Mukherjee S, Roy D, Bahinipati S, Dash D, Kar C, Mal P, Mishra T, Bindhu VKMN, Nayak A, Sur N, Swain SK, Dube S, Kansal B, Pandey S, Rane A, Rastogi A, Sharma S, Bakhshiansohi H, Zeinali M, Chenarani S, Etesami SM, Khakzad M, Najafabadi MM, Felcini M, Grunewald M, Abbrescia M, Aly R, Aruta C, Colaleo A, Creanza D, De Filippis N, De Palma M, Di Florio A, Di Pilato A, Elmetenawee W, Fiore L, Gelmi A, Gul M, Iaselli G, Ince M, Lezki S, Maggi G, Maggi M, Margjeka I, Mastrapasqua V, Merlin JA, My S, Nuzzo S, Pompili A, Pugliese G, Ranieri A, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Simone FM, Venditti R, Verwilligen P, Abbiendi G, Battilana C, Bonacorsi D, Borgonovi L, Braibant-Giacomelli S, Campanini R, Capiluppi P, Castro A, Cavallo FR, Ciocca C, Cuffiani M, Dallavalle GM, Diotalevi T, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fontanesi E, Giacomelli P, Giommi L, Grandi C, Guiducci L, Iemmi F, Meo SL, Marcellini S, Masetti G, Navarria FL, Perrotta A, Primavera F, Rossi AM, Rovelli T, Siroli GP, Tosi N, Albergo S, Costa S, Di Mattia A, Potenza R, Tricomi A, Tuve C, Barbagli G, Cassese A, Ceccarelli R, Ciulli V, Civinini C, D'Alessandro R, Fiori F, Focardi E, Latino G, Lenzi P, Lizzo M, Meschini M, Paoletti S, Seidita R, Sguazzoni G, Viliani L, Benussi L, Bianco S, Piccolo D, Bozzo M, Ferro F, Mulargia R, Robutti E, Tosi S, Benaglia A, Beschi A, Brivio F, Cetorelli F, Ciriolo V, De Guio F, Dinardo ME, Dini P, Gennai S, Ghezzi A, Govoni P, Guzzi L, Malberti M, Malvezzi S, Massironi A, Menasce D, Monti F, Moroni L, Paganoni M, Pedrini D, Ragazzi S, de Fatis TT, Valsecchi D, Zuolo D, Buontempo S, Cavallo N, De Iorio A, Fabozzi F, Fienga F, Iorio AOM, Lista L, Meola S, Paolucci P, Rossi B, Sciacca C, Azzi P, Bacchetta N, Bisello D, Bortignon P, Bragagnolo A, Carlin R, Checchia P, Manzano PDC, Dorigo T, Gasparini F, Gasparini U, Hoh SY, Layer L, Margoni M, Meneguzzo AT, Presilla M, Ronchese P, Rossin R, Simonetto F, Strong G, Tosi M, Yarar H, Zanetti M, Zotto P, Zucchetta A, Zumerle G, Aime C, Braghieri A, Calzaferri S, Fiorina D, Montagna P, Ratti SP, Re V, Ressegotti M, Riccardi C, Salvini P, Vai I, Vitulo P, Biasini M, Bilei GM, Ciangottini D, Fanò L, Lariccia P, Mantovani G, Mariani V, Menichelli M, Moscatelli F, Piccinelli A, Rossi A, Santocchia A, Spiga D, Tedeschi T, Androsov K, Azzurri P, Bagliesi G, Bertacchi V, Bianchini L, Boccali T, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Dell'Orso R, Di Domenico MR, Donato S, Giannini L, Giassi A, Grippo MT, Ligabue F, Manca E, Mandorli G, Messineo A, Palla F, Ramirez-Sanchez G, Rizzi A, Rolandi G, Chowdhury SR, Scribano A, Shafiei N, Spagnolo P, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Turini N, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Cavallari F, Cipriani M, Del Re D, Di Marco E, Diemoz M, Longo E, Meridiani P, Organtini G, Pandolfi F, Paramatti R, Quaranta C, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Tramontano R, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bartosik N, Bellan R, Bellora A, Antequera JB, Biino C, Cappati A, Cartiglia N, Cometti S, Costa M, Covarelli R, Demaria N, Kiani B, Legger F, Mariotti C, Maselli S, Migliore E, Monaco V, Monteil E, Monteno M, Obertino MM, Ortona G, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Angioni GLP, Ruspa M, Salvatico R, Siviero F, Sola V, Solano A, Soldi D, Staiano A, Tornago M, Trocino D, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, Da Rold A, Della Ricca G, Vazzoler F, Dogra S, Huh C, Kim B, Kim DH, Kim GN, Lee J, Lee SW, Moon CS, Oh YD, Pak SI, Radburn-Smith BC, Sekmen S, Yang YC, Kim H, Moon DH, Francois B, Kim TJ, Park J, Cho S, Choi S, Go Y, Ha S, Hong B, Kim B, Lee K, Lee KS, Lim J, Park J, Park SK, Yoo J, Goh J, Gurtu A, Kim HS, Kim Y, Almond J, Bhyun JH, Choi J, Jeon S, Kim J, Kim JS, Ko S, Kwon H, Lee H, Lee K, Lee S, Nam K, Oh BH, Oh M, Oh SB, Seo H, Yang UK, Yoon I, Jeon D, Kim JH, Ko B, Lee JSH, Park IC, Roh Y, Song D, Watson IJ, Yoo HD, Choi Y, Hwang C, Jeong Y, Lee H, Lee Y, Yu I, Maghrbi Y, Veckalns V, Juodagalvis A, Rinkevicius A, Tamulaitis G, Vaitkevicius A, Abdullah WATW, Yusli MN, Zolkapli Z, Benitez JF, Hernandez AC, Quijada JAM, Palomo LV, Ayala G, Castilla-Valdez H, De La Cruz-Burelo E, La Cruz IHD, Lopez-Fernandez R, Herrera CAM, Navarro DAP, Hernández AS, Moreno SC, Barrera CO, García MR, Valencia FV, Eysermans J, Pedraza I, Ibarguen HAS, Estrada CU, Pineda AM, Mijuskovic J, Raicevic N, Krofcheck D, Bheesette S, Butler PH, Ahmad A, Asghar MI, Awais A, Awan MIM, Hoorani HR, Khan WA, Shah MA, Shoaib M, Waqas M, Avati V, Grzanka L, Malawski M, Bialkowska H, Bluj M, Boimska B, Frueboes T, Górski M, Kazana M, Szleper M, Traczyk P, Zalewski P, Bunkowski K, Doroba K, Kalinowski A, Konecki M, Krolikowski J, Walczak M, Araujo M, Bargassa P, Bastos D, Boletti A, Faccioli P, Gallinaro M, Hollar J, Leonardo N, Niknejad T, Seixas J, Shchelina K, Toldaiev O, Varela J, Adzic P, Dordevic M, Milenovic P, Milosevic J, Aguilar-Benitez M, Maestre JA, Fernández AÁ, Bachiller I, Luna MB, Bedoya CF, Montoya CAC, Cepeda M, Cerrada M, Colino N, De La Cruz B, Peris AD, Ramos JPF, Flix J, Fouz MC, Lopez OG, Lopez SG, Hernandez JM, Josa MI, Holgado JL, Moran D, Tobar ÁN, Yzquierdo APC, Pelayo JP, Redondo I, Romero L, Navas SS, Soares MS, Gómez LU, Willmott C, Albajar C, de Trocóniz JF, Reyes-Almanza R, Gonzalez BA, Cuevas J, Erice C, Menendez JF, Folgueras S, Caballero IG, Cortezon EP, Álvarez CR, Sau JR, Bouza VR, Cruz SS, Trapote A, Cifuentes JAB, Cabrillo IJ, Calderon A, Quero BC, Campderros JD, Fernandez M, Manteca PJF, Alonso AG, Gomez G, Rivero CM, Del Arbol PMR, Matorras F, Gomez JP, Prieels C, Ricci-Tam F, Rodrigo T, Ruiz-Jimeno A, Scodellaro L, Vila I, Garcia JMV, Jayananda MK, Kailasapathy B, Sonnadara DUJ, Wickramarathna DDC, Dharmaratna WGD, Liyanage K, Perera N, Wickramage N, Aarrestad TK, Abbaneo D, Auffray E, Auzinger G, Baechler J, Baillon P, Ball AH, Barney D, Bendavid J, Beni N, Bianco M, Bocci A, Bossini E, Brondolin E, Camporesi T, Garrido MC, Cerminara G, Cristella L, d'Enterria D, Dabrowski A, Daci N, David A, De Roeck A, Deile M, Di Maria R, Dobson M, Dünser M, Dupont N, Elliott-Peisert A, Emriskova N, Fallavollita F, Fasanella D, Fiorendi S, Florent A, Franzoni G, Fulcher J, Funk W, Giani S, Gigi D, Gill K, Glege F, Gouskos L, Guilbaud M, Haranko M, Hegeman J, Iiyama Y, Innocente V, James T, Janot P, Kaspar J, Kieseler J, Komm M, Kratochwil N, Lange C, Laurila S, Lecoq P, Long K, Lourenço C, Malgeri L, Mallios S, Mannelli M, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Moortgat F, Mulders M, Orfanelli S, Orsini L, Pantaleo F, Pape L, Perez E, Peruzzi M, Petrilli A, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pierini M, Quast T, Rabady D, Racz A, Rieger M, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Salfeld-Nebgen J, Scarfi S, Schäfer C, Selvaggi M, Sharma A, Silva P, Snoeys W, Sphicas P, Summers S, Tavolaro VR, Treille D, Tsirou A, Van Onsem GP, Vartak A, Verzetti M, Wozniak KA, Zeuner WD, Caminada L, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Rohe T, Backhaus M, Berger P, Calandri A, Chernyavskaya N, De Cosa A, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donegà M, Dorfer C, Gadek T, Espinosa TAG, Grab C, Hits D, Lustermann W, Lyon AM, Manzoni RA, Meinhard MT, Micheli F, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Niedziela J, Pauss F, Perovic V, Perrin G, Pigazzini S, Ratti MG, Reichmann M, Reissel C, Reitenspiess T, Ristic B, Ruini D, Becerra DAS, Schönenberger M, Stampf V, Steggemann J, Wallny R, Zhu DH, Amsler C, Botta C, Brzhechko D, Canelli MF, Del Burgo R, Heikkilä JK, Huwiler M, Jofrehei A, Kilminster B, Leontsinis S, Macchiolo A, Meiring P, Mikuni VM, Molinatti U, Neutelings I, Rauco G, Reimers A, Robmann P, Schweiger K, Takahashi Y, Adloff C, Kuo CM, Lin W, Roy A, Sarkar T, Yu SS, Ceard L, Chang P, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PH, Hou WS, Li YY, Lu RS, Paganis E, Psallidas A, Steen A, Yazgan E, Asavapibhop B, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Srimanobhas N, Boran F, Damarseckin S, Demiroglu ZS, Dolek F, Dozen C, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Gokbulut G, Guler Y, Guler EG, Hos I, Isik C, Kangal EE, Kara O, Topaksu AK, Kiminsu U, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Polatoz A, Simsek AE, Tali B, Tok UG, Turkcapar S, Zorbakir IS, Zorbilmez C, Isildak B, Karapinar G, Ocalan K, Yalvac M, Akgun B, Atakisi IO, Gülmez E, Kaya M, Kaya O, Özçelik Ö, Tekten S, Yetkin EA, Cakir A, Cankocak K, Komurcu Y, Sen S, Sen FA, Cerci S, Kaynak B, Ozkorucuklu S, Cerci DS, Grynyov B, Levchuk L, Bhal E, Bologna S, Brooke JJ, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Goldstein J, Heath GP, Heath HF, Kreczko L, Krikler B, Paramesvaran S, Sakuma T, Nasr-Storey SSE, Smith VJ, Stylianou N, Taylor J, Titterton A, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Ellis KV, Harder K, Harper S, Linacre J, Manolopoulos K, Newbold DM, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Reis T, Schuh T, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Thea A, Tomalin IR, Williams T, Bainbridge R, Bloch P, Bonomally S, Borg J, Breeze S, Buchmuller O, Bundock A, Cepaitis V, Chahal GS, Colling D, Dauncey P, Davies G, Della Negra M, Fedi G, Hall G, Iles G, Langford J, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Martelli A, Milosevic V, Nash J, Palladino V, Pesaresi M, Raymond DM, Richards A, Rose A, Scott E, Seez C, Shtipliyski A, Stoye M, Tapper A, Uchida K, Virdee T, Wardle N, Webb SN, Winterbottom D, Zecchinelli AG, Cole JE, Hobson PR, Khan A, Kyberd P, Mackay CK, Reid ID, Teodorescu L, Zahid S, Abdullin S, Brinkerhoff A, Call K, Caraway B, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Kanuganti AR, Madrid C, McMaster B, Pastika N, Sawant S, Smith C, Wilson J, Bartek R, Dominguez A, Uniyal R, Hernandez AMV, Buccilli A, Charaf O, Cooper SI, Gleyzer SV, Henderson C, Perez CU, Rumerio P, West C, Akpinar A, Albert A, Arcaro D, Cosby C, Demiragli Z, Gastler D, Rohlf J, Salyer K, Sperka D, Spitzbart D, Suarez I, Yuan S, Zou D, Benelli G, Burkle B, Coubez X, Cutts D, Duh YT, Hadley M, Heintz U, Hogan JM, Kwok KHM, Laird E, Landsberg G, Lau KT, Lee J, Narain M, Sagir S, Syarif R, Usai E, Wong WY, Yu D, Zhang W, Band R, Brainerd C, Breedon R, Sanchez MCDLB, Chertok M, Conway J, Conway R, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Flores C, Funk G, Jensen F, Ko W, Kukral O, Lander R, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Pilot J, Shi M, Taylor D, Tos K, Tripathi M, Yao Y, Zhang F, Bachtis M, Cousins R, Dasgupta A, Hamilton D, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Iqbal MA, Lam T, Mccoll N, Nash WA, Regnard S, Saltzberg D, Schnaible C, Stone B, Valuev V, Burt K, Chen Y, Clare R, Gary JW, Hanson G, Karapostoli G, Long OR, Manganelli N, Negrete MO, Si W, Wimpenny S, Zhang Y, Branson JG, Chang P, Cittolin S, Cooperstein S, Deelen N, Duarte J, Gerosa R, Gilbert D, Krutelyov V, Letts J, Masciovecchio M, May S, Padhi S, Pieri M, Sharma V, Tadel M, Würthwein F, Yagil A, Amin N, Campagnari C, Citron M, Dorsett A, Dutta V, Incandela J, Marsh B, Mei H, Ovcharova A, Qu H, Quinnan M, Richman J, Sarica U, Stuart D, Wang S, Bornheim A, Cerri O, Dutta I, Lawhorn JM, Lu N, Mao J, Newman HB, Ngadiuba J, Nguyen TQ, Pata J, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wang C, Xie S, Zhang Z, Zhu RY, Alison J, Andrews MB, Ferguson T, Mudholkar T, Paulini M, Vorobiev I, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, MacDonald E, Patel R, Perloff A, Stenson K, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Alexander J, Cheng Y, Chu J, Cranshaw DJ, Datta A, Frankenthal A, Mcdermott K, Monroy J, Patterson JR, Quach D, Ryd A, Sun W, Tan SM, Tao Z, Thom J, Wittich P, Zientek M, Albrow M, Alyari M, Apollinari G, Apresyan A, Apyan A, Banerjee S, Bauerdick LAT, Beretvas A, Berry D, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Burkett K, Butler JN, Canepa A, Cerati GB, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cremonesi M, Elvira VD, Freeman J, Gecse Z, Gray L, Green D, Grünendahl S, Gutsche O, 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Azimuthal Correlations within Exclusive Dijets with Large Momentum Transfer in Photon-Lead Collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2023;131:051901. [PMID: 37595238 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.051901] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/29/2022] [Revised: 11/11/2022] [Accepted: 02/15/2023] [Indexed: 08/20/2023]
Delcheva I, Beattie DA, Ralston J, Krasowska M. Dynamic wetting of imidazolium-based ionic liquids on gold and glass. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2018;20:2084-2093. [DOI: 10.1039/c7cp06404g] [Citation(s) in RCA: 13] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/21/2022]
Vendramini JMB, Leite de Oliveira F, Sanchez JMD, Yarborough J, Perez D, Ralston J, Cooke RF. 0659 Monensin effects on early-weaned beef calves grazing annual ryegrass pastures. J Anim Sci 2016. [DOI: 10.2527/jam2016-0659] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/13/2022]  Open
Bush WS, Crosslin DR, Owusu‐Obeng A, Wallace J, Almoguera B, Basford MA, Bielinski SJ, Carrell DS, Connolly JJ, Crawford D, Doheny KF, Gallego CJ, Gordon AS, Keating B, Kirby J, Kitchner T, Manzi S, Mejia AR, Pan V, Perry CL, Peterson JF, Prows CA, Ralston J, Scott SA, Scrol A, Smith M, Stallings SC, Veldhuizen T, Wolf W, Volpi S, Wiley K, Li R, Manolio T, Bottinger E, Brilliant MH, Carey D, Chisholm RL, Chute CG, Haines JL, Hakonarson H, Harley JB, Holm IA, Kullo IJ, Jarvik GP, Larson EB, McCarty CA, Williams MS, Denny JC, Rasmussen‐Torvik LJ, Roden DM, Ritchie MD. Genetic variation among 82 pharmacogenes: The PGRNseq data from the eMERGE network. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2016;100:160-9. [PMID: 26857349 PMCID: PMC5010878 DOI: 10.1002/cpt.350] [Citation(s) in RCA: 135] [Impact Index Per Article: 16.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/06/2015] [Revised: 01/12/2016] [Accepted: 02/04/2016] [Indexed: 12/20/2022]
Fredericksen RJ, Tufano J, Ralston J, McReynolds J, Stewart M, Lober WB, Mayer KH, Mathews WC, Mugavero MJ, Crane PK, Crane HM. Provider perceptions of the value of same-day, electronic patient-reported measures for use in clinical HIV care. AIDS Care 2016;28:1428-33. [PMID: 27237187 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1189501] [Citation(s) in RCA: 15] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/21/2022]
Yang D, Krasowska M, Priest C, Ralston J. Dynamics of capillary-driven liquid-liquid displacement in open microchannels. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2014;16:24473-8. [PMID: 25308905 DOI: 10.1039/c4cp03910f] [Citation(s) in RCA: 24] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/21/2022]
Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Stallings SC, Gordon AS, Almoguera B, Basford MA, Bielinski SJ, Brautbar A, Brilliant MH, Carrell DS, Connolly JJ, Crosslin DR, Doheny KF, Gallego CJ, Gottesman O, Kim DS, Leppig KA, Li R, Lin S, Manzi S, Mejia AR, Pacheco JA, Pan V, Pathak J, Perry CL, Peterson JF, Prows CA, Ralston J, Rasmussen LV, Ritchie MD, Sadhasivam S, Scott SA, Smith M, Vega A, Vinks AA, Volpi S, Wolf WA, Bottinger E, Chisholm RL, Chute CG, Haines JL, Harley JB, Keating B, Holm IA, Kullo IJ, Jarvik GP, Larson EB, Manolio T, McCarty CA, Nickerson DA, Scherer SE, Williams MS, Roden DM, Denny JC. Design and anticipated outcomes of the eMERGE-PGx project: a multicenter pilot for preemptive pharmacogenomics in electronic health record systems. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2014;96:482-9. [PMID: 24960519 PMCID: PMC4169732 DOI: 10.1038/clpt.2014.137] [Citation(s) in RCA: 176] [Impact Index Per Article: 17.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/28/2014] [Accepted: 06/13/2014] [Indexed: 11/09/2022]
Lee D, Ye W, Park K, Ma J, Ralston J, Zweier J, Crestanello J. Increased Cytosolic Ca2+ and Apoptosis Contributes to Myocardial Dysfunction in Hyponatremia. J Surg Res 2014. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2013.11.029] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/17/2022]
O'Loughlin M, Wilk K, Priest C, Ralston J, Popescu MN. Capillary rise dynamics of aqueous glycerol solutions in glass capillaries: a critical examination of the Washburn equation. J Colloid Interface Sci 2013;411:257-64. [PMID: 24041546 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2013.05.077] [Citation(s) in RCA: 31] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/06/2013] [Revised: 04/12/2013] [Accepted: 05/31/2013] [Indexed: 11/25/2022]
Mishchuk N, Ralston J, Fornasiero D. The analytical model of nanoparticle recovery by microflotation. Adv Colloid Interface Sci 2012;179-182:114-22. [PMID: 22824384 DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2012.06.008] [Citation(s) in RCA: 7] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/28/2011] [Revised: 05/27/2012] [Accepted: 06/24/2012] [Indexed: 11/19/2022]
Smith SC, Collins A, Ferrari R, Holmes DR, Logstrup S, McGhie DV, Ralston J, Sacco RL, Stam H, Taubert K, Wood DA, Zoghbi WA. Our time: a call to save preventable death from cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke). Eur Heart J 2012;33:2910-6. [DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehs313] [Citation(s) in RCA: 34] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/14/2022]  Open
Priest C, Zhou J, Klink S, Sedev R, Ralston J. Microfluidic Solvent Extraction of Metal Ions and Complexes from Leach Solutions Containing Nanoparticles. Chem Eng Technol 2012. [DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201100602] [Citation(s) in RCA: 42] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/11/2022]
Kravchenko I, Hussain S, Seckel D, Besson D, Fensholt E, Ralston J, Taylor J, Ratzlaff K, Young R. Updated results from the RICE experiment and future prospects for ultra-high energy neutrino detection at the south pole. Int J Clin Exp Med 2012. [DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.85.062004] [Citation(s) in RCA: 42] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/07/2022]
Fredericksen R, Crane PK, Tufano J, Ralston J, Schmidt S, Brown T, Layman D, Harrington RD, Dhanireddy S, Stone T, Lober W, Kitahata MM, Crane HM. Integrating a web-based, patient-administered assessment into primary care for HIV-infected adults. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2012;4:47-55. [PMID: 26561537 DOI: 10.5897/jahr11.046] [Citation(s) in RCA: 68] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/31/2022]
Friess SH, Naim MY, Kilbaugh TJ, Ralston J, Margulies SS. Premedication with meloxicam exacerbates intracranial haemorrhage in an immature swine model of non-impact inertial head injury. Lab Anim 2012;46:164-6. [PMID: 22238292 DOI: 10.1258/la.2011.011084] [Citation(s) in RCA: 8] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/18/2022]
Ducatez MF, Sonnberg S, Hall RJ, Peacey M, Ralston J, Webby RJ, Huang QS. Genotyping assay for the identification of 2009-2010 pandemic and seasonal H1N1 influenza virus reassortants. J Virol Methods 2010;168:78-81. [PMID: 20435067 PMCID: PMC2910119 DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2010.04.020] [Citation(s) in RCA: 7] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/12/2010] [Revised: 04/02/2010] [Accepted: 04/22/2010] [Indexed: 10/19/2022]
Popescu MN, Dietrich S, Tasinkevych M, Ralston J. Phoretic motion of spheroidal particles due to self-generated solute gradients. Eur Phys J E Soft Matter 2010;31:351-367. [PMID: 20422245 DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2010-10593-3] [Citation(s) in RCA: 75] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/01/2010] [Accepted: 03/10/2010] [Indexed: 05/29/2023]
Englert A, Krasowska M, Fornasiero D, Ralston J, Rubio J. Interaction force between an air bubble and a hydrophilic spherical particle in water, measured by the colloid probe technique. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2009. [DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2009.03.003] [Citation(s) in RCA: 30] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
Popescu MN, Ralston J, Sedev R. Capillary rise with velocity-dependent dynamic contact angle. Langmuir 2008;24:12710-12716. [PMID: 18834162 DOI: 10.1021/la801753t] [Citation(s) in RCA: 24] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 05/26/2023]
Bertrand E, Blake TD, Ledauphin V, Ogonowski G, Coninck JD, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Dynamics of dewetting at the nanoscale using molecular dynamics. Langmuir 2007;23:3774-85. [PMID: 17328565 DOI: 10.1021/la062920m] [Citation(s) in RCA: 9] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 05/14/2023]
Mishchuk N, Ralston J, Fornasiero D. Influence of very small bubbles on particle/bubble heterocoagulation. J Colloid Interface Sci 2006;301:168-75. [PMID: 16725149 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2006.04.071] [Citation(s) in RCA: 57] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/20/2006] [Revised: 04/24/2006] [Accepted: 04/24/2006] [Indexed: 11/24/2022]
Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Effect of surface oxide/hydroxide products on the collectorless flotation of copper-activated sphalerite. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2006. [DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2005.10.006] [Citation(s) in RCA: 59] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/25/2022]
Addai-Mensah J, Ralston J. Investigation of the role of interfacial chemistry on particle interactions, sedimentation and electroosmotic dewatering of model kaolinite dispersions. POWDER TECHNOL 2005. [DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2005.04.047] [Citation(s) in RCA: 20] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/24/2022]
Kanta A, Sedev R, Ralston J. Preparation of silica-on-titania patterns with a wettability contrast. Langmuir 2005;21:5790-4. [PMID: 15952824 DOI: 10.1021/la046837f] [Citation(s) in RCA: 7] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 05/03/2023]
Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Cu(II) and Ni(II) activation in the flotation of quartz, lizardite and chlorite. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2005. [DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2004.12.002] [Citation(s) in RCA: 75] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/25/2022]
Kanta A, Sedev R, Ralston J. Thermally- and photoinduced changes in the water wettability of low-surface-area silica and titania. Langmuir 2005;21:2400-7. [PMID: 15752031 DOI: 10.1021/la047721m] [Citation(s) in RCA: 48] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 05/12/2023]
Duan J, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Calculation of the flotation rate constant of chalcopyrite particles in an ore. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2003. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(03)00101-7] [Citation(s) in RCA: 83] [Impact Index Per Article: 4.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/27/2022]
Boulton A, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Characterisation of sphalerite and pyrite flotation samples by XPS and ToF-SIMS. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2003. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(03)00003-6] [Citation(s) in RCA: 77] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
Churaev NV, Ralston J, Sergeeva IP, Sobolev VD. Electrokinetic properties of methylated quartz capillaries. Adv Colloid Interface Sci 2002;96:265-78. [PMID: 11908790 DOI: 10.1016/s0001-8686(01)00084-7] [Citation(s) in RCA: 72] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/01/2022]
Ralston J, Dukhin SS, Mishchuk NA. Wetting film stability and flotation kinetics. Adv Colloid Interface Sci 2002;95:145-236. [PMID: 11843192 DOI: 10.1016/s0001-8686(00)00083-x] [Citation(s) in RCA: 96] [Impact Index Per Article: 4.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/27/2022]
Mishchuk N, Ralston J, Fornasiero D. Influence of Dissolved Gas on van der Waals Forces between Bubbles and Particles. J Phys Chem A 2001. [DOI: 10.1021/jp0118221] [Citation(s) in RCA: 40] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/07/2023]
Ralston L, Kwon ST, Schoenbeck M, Ralston J, Schenk DJ, Coates RM, Chappell J. Cloning, heterologous expression, and functional characterization of 5-epi-aristolochene-1,3-dihydroxylase from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Arch Biochem Biophys 2001;393:222-35. [PMID: 11556809 DOI: 10.1006/abbi.2001.2483] [Citation(s) in RCA: 87] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/22/2022]
Fornasiero D, Fullston D, Li C, Ralston J. Separation of enargite and tennantite from non-arsenic copper sulfide minerals by selective oxidation or dissolution. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2001. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(00)00029-6] [Citation(s) in RCA: 50] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/01/2022]
Dai Z, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Particle-Bubble Attachment in Mineral Flotation. J Colloid Interface Sci 1999;217:70-76. [PMID: 10441412 DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1999.6319] [Citation(s) in RCA: 124] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/22/2022]
Addai-Mensah J, Ralston J. The Influence of Interfacial Structuring on Gibbsite Interactions in Synthetic Bayer Liquors. J Colloid Interface Sci 1999;215:124-130. [PMID: 10362481 DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1999.6237] [Citation(s) in RCA: 23] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/22/2022]
Ralston J, Dukhin S. The interaction between particles and bubbles. Colloids Surf A Physicochem Eng Asp 1999. [DOI: 10.1016/s0927-7757(98)00642-6] [Citation(s) in RCA: 79] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/26/2022]
Jenkins P, Basu S, Keir RI, Ralston J, Thomas JC, Wolffenbuttel BM. The Electrochemistry of Nonaqueous Copper Phthalocyanine Dispersions in the Presence of a Metal Soap Surfactant: A Simple Equilibrium Site Binding Model. J Colloid Interface Sci 1999;211:252-263. [PMID: 10049542 DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1998.5951] [Citation(s) in RCA: 23] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/22/2022]
Jenkins P, Ralston J, Thomas JC, Nicholls SL, Staples PE. Copper Phthalocyanine-Mica Interactions in Nonaqueous Media. J Colloid Interface Sci 1999;211:11-17. [PMID: 9929430 DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1998.5962] [Citation(s) in RCA: 4] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/22/2022]
Bjelopavlic M, Ralston J, Reynolds G. Adsorption of Monoalkyl Phosphates at the Zircon-Aqueous Solution Interface. J Colloid Interface Sci 1998;208:183-190. [PMID: 9820763 DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1998.5778] [Citation(s) in RCA: 12] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/22/2022]
Fairthorne G, Brinen J, Fornasiero D, Nagaraj D, Ralston J. Spectroscopic and electrokinetic study of the adsorption of butyl ethoxycarbonyl thiourea on chalcopyrite. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 1998. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(98)00019-2] [Citation(s) in RCA: 34] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
Dai Z, Dukhin S, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. The Inertial Hydrodynamic Interaction of Particles and Rising Bubbles with Mobile Surfaces. J Colloid Interface Sci 1998;197:275-92. [PMID: 9466870 DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1997.5280] [Citation(s) in RCA: 147] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/06/2023]
Grano S, Prestidge C, Ralston J. Solution interaction of ethyl xanthate and sulphite and its effect on galena flotation and xanthate adsorption. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 1997. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(97)00066-5] [Citation(s) in RCA: 29] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/16/2022]
Zapata O, Ralston J, Beltrán C, Parys JB, Chen JL, Longo FJ, Darszon A. Inositol triphosphate receptors in sea urchin sperm. ZYGOTE 1997;5:355-64. [PMID: 9563683 DOI: 10.1017/s0967199400003932] [Citation(s) in RCA: 20] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/07/2023]
Fairthorne G, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Interaction of thionocarbamate and thiourea collectors with sulphide minerals: a flotation and adsorption study. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 1997. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(97)00048-3] [Citation(s) in RCA: 67] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/17/2022]
Fairthorne G, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Formation of a copper-butyl ethoxycarbonyl thiourea complex. Anal Chim Acta 1997. [DOI: 10.1016/s0003-2670(97)00111-6] [Citation(s) in RCA: 32] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/27/2022]
Grano S, Sollaart M, Skinner W, Prestidge C, Ralston J. Surface modifications in the chalcopyrite-sulphite ion system. I. collectorless flotation, XPS and dissolution study. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 1997. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(96)00046-4] [Citation(s) in RCA: 41] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/18/2022]
Fairthorne G, Fornasiero D, Ralston J. Effect of oxidation on the collectorless flotation of chalcopyrite. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 1997. [DOI: 10.1016/s0301-7516(96)00039-7] [Citation(s) in RCA: 132] [Impact Index Per Article: 4.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/18/2022]
Prestidge CA, Ralston J. Contact Angle Studies of Ethyl Xanthate Coated Galena Particles. J Colloid Interface Sci 1996;184:512-8. [PMID: 8978554 DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1996.0646] [Citation(s) in RCA: 14] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Affiliation(s)] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/03/2023]
Kim B, Hayes R, Prestidge C, Ralston J, Smart R. In-situ scanning tunnelling microscopy studies of galena surfaces under flotation-related conditions. Colloids Surf A Physicochem Eng Asp 1996. [DOI: 10.1016/0927-7757(96)03635-7] [Citation(s) in RCA: 14] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/29/2022]
Downing E, Hesselink L, Ralston J, Macfarlane R. A Three-Color, Solid-State, Three-Dimensional Display. Science 1996. [DOI: 10.1126/science.273.5279.1185] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1272] [Impact Index Per Article: 45.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [What about the content of this article? (0)] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/02/2022]
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